Friday Favorites


Truth.  Love this image by Lisa Congdon.

I've always admired Helen Keller.  The joy found here is beautiful.

This family looks so comfortable in this house - it really doesn't look much smaller than our apartment.  I think we look as happy as they do. ;)

We eat with our eyes before we actually dig in, right?  Check this out - amazing.

This video is so stupid, yet so wonderful and light-hearted in a time of such tension.

"There’s zero correlation between being the best talker and having the best ideas." - Susan Cain   Yes!!  Found here.  I've just felt a bit quiet lately.

Made this dish for the second time in 5 days.  And I wonder why my pants are fitting just a bit snug?  I finally got around to pre-ordering my copy of her book- I've been waiting for this book for years!


I am so grateful for my beautiful feline companions.   I give them food, water, a scratch behind the ears.  In return they give me so much more than I could ever express.


IMG_3188r Since I was a teenager, or maybe even before, I've had a hard time with self help and affirmations proclaiming the "power of the self".  There was an early interest in different religions and philosophies in my life, and Buddhism made the most sense to me.  The concepts around the idea of the self and no-self resonated with me, and since then I've had a hard time feeling as though I had any importance.

Now I know that sounds really sad, but I don't mean it in a depressed, my life has no meaning, sort of way.  I've just always felt like there are so many people in the world who are all equal.  Why should I feel unique, valuable and in any need for special introspection?  For the most part, humans are in a constant pull between survival and trying to better their lives in any way that they can.  My experiences in dealing with introspection and self discovery couldn't be much different than all of those that came before me, could they?

Recently, there's been a nagging sensation in my being.  Like I've been ignoring an essential part of myself.  Like I need to pay attention to my needs - and to assess what it is that my life is lacking.  It's hard for me to describe, but I'm at the beginning of my journey, and I hope that with time I will find my words, and whatever else it is that I'm supposed to find.